Yeghegnadzor Cannery LTD
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Yeghegnadzor Cannery LTD
Manufacture of canned products, juices

Contact information Type of company: Enterprise
12 Zoravar Vardan
Field of activity: Production
3110 Yeghegnadzor, region Vayots Dzor
Phone: +37428122690
E-mail: shtab10[ta]
Sector of activity
Company profile
The company was established in 1969, being the only enterprise processing agricultural products,
fruits and vegetables in Vayots Dzor marz, the sustainable activities of the company are a very
important factor for the development of the agro industrial complex of the marz. Currently the
enterprise with its existing equipments and technologies is capable to produce 15-20 types of juices,
jams, marinades, dry fruits, etc. which nonetheless are not competitive in international market mostly
due to packaging and design. There are no companies processing fruits and vegetables in the marz
but at the same time there are about 12,000 land owners whose produced harvest is not processed.
Cooperation proposal
The enterprise is planning to organize the production of the cans by purchasing from the rural farms
green walnut, apricot, peach, apple, pear, cucumber, tomato, hip, hornbeam, lily, honey, herbs, etc.
The production will include jams and marmalades from walnut, apricot, peach, apple, pear, juices
from apricot, peach, apple, pear, tomato, hip, dry fruits. Project attractiveness/actuality - traditionally
developed industry, juicy and delicious fruits, fruits with high and competitive quality, strong traditions
of growing garden plants, location - Vayots Dzor marz, Yeghegnadzor, Zoravar Vardan 34. Project
overall cost/Required investments - the investment needed for the reoperation of the enterprise are
the following - External sources of financing - 4.5 million USD, community contribution - 0.2 million
USD, overall - 4.7 million USD, Field - Industrial processing of agricultural products, food production,
purchase of agricultural raw materials, Product/service name - Processing of agricultural products,
Product/ service competitive advantages - For the first year of reoperation the enterprise will produce
28570 conditional boxes /0.4L/ walnut jam, 2653 conditional boxes 0.4L/ peach jam, 65777
conditional boxes /0.36L/ apricot jam, 15197 conditional boxes /1L/ apricot juice, 24368 conditional
boxes /0.72L/ cucumber marinade, etc.
The price formation for the company´s products will be mainly conditioned by raw materials and
packaging materials. The costs for supplementary materials and packaging are almost the same as
for similar competitor enterprises and in terms of raw materials the cheapest ones are in Vayots Dzor
region. Project overall cost - taking into consideration the fact that the enterprise plans to enlarge the
production volumes by 30% annually, then the period for payback will be 4-5 years under the current
market prices. In order to implement the aforementioned production project the company needs 4.7
million USD which will be spent for the following a. Construction repair and installation works - 1.3
million USD, b. Equipment/ new modern production lines, aseptic line/ - 2.4 million USD, c. Raw and
other materials - 0.8 million USD, other unforeseen expenses - 0.2 million USD.
Innovative aspects and/or main advantages of the proposal
Armenian cans in external market are of high demand, it is considered a product of high consumption
utility. The costs for supplementary materials and packaging are almost the same as for similar
competitor enterprises and in terms of raw materials the cheapest ones are in Vayots Dzor region.

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