rganisation Engagement Method Frequency Target audience Contact Person Details Additional Info Middlesbrough Council Ward Based Community Council Meetings Bi-monthly Residents Community Regeneration
Tel:01642 207270 Residents in all wards leafleted and invited. Open public meetings that are also attended by Ward Councillors. Middlesbrough Council Neighbourhood Management / MultiAgency Teams - targeting specific neighbourhoods and groups of interest. Ongoing Residents Martin Harvey
Tel:01642 72***
Variety of engagement methods used eg neighbourhood action planning,schools,resident consultancy,estate walkabouts etc. BME Network CIC BME Community Forum Various People from diverse Ethnic backgrounds (BME,Asylum seekers,Refugee and new migrant communities) Idrees Rashid
Tel:01642 01642 68***
Additional forms of community engagement and information dissemination available:Community Radio,Website,Community Information House,Newsletter & Social Media. Middlesbrough Partnership Partnership Forum Quarterly Stakeholders from public,private,voluntary and community sectors Jo McNally
Tel:01642 72***
Open to all stakeholders,including young people from schools,the University and colleges. West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Ongoing face-toface and regular public meetings Various Residents Paul Wales
Tel:01642 85***
Engaging with communities,supporting community activities,consulting with communities,community empowerment West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust/Fabrick Know Your Money Project Ongoing Young People Susan Borrow
Tel:01642 773600 x***
The Know Your Money,Keep the Change (KYM) project which is funded through the Big Lottery Fund,will run over the next three years and provide money advice and training. The project will also put on events which will be ran by young people throughout the year at their hub West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Just 4 Youth Various Young People Paul Wales
Tel:01642 85***
Breckon Hill Community Enterprise Community Centre offering a variety of services/facilities for communities Ongoing Residents Amanda Buck
Tel:01642 24***
Open 5 days a week and also weekends for specific groups. Services include:provision of information,advice and guidance,job search and training. Organisation Engagement Method Frequency Target audience Contact Person Details Additional Info Middlesbrough Council Middlesbrough Senior Citizens Forum (MSCF) Monthly Older people Rachel Fothergill
Tel:01642 72***
(MSCF) is a constituted group independent of the council (though the council supports the group i.e Rachel's assistance). Middlesbrough Council Engagement with Adult Service Users via group meetings,events etc Monthly Adults with mental health,learning disabilities,physical disabilities,older people and carers Christine Walker
Tel:01642 72***
Middlesbrough Council
Tel:01642 72***
Holds regular breakfast exchanges,has a regular newsletter and email circulation list. Middlesbrough Network of Intermediaries website and regular updates Various Businesses & Residents Clare Elli***
Tel:01642 72***
Engages organisations that help to connect people with jobs,offer training to develop skills and deliver advice,support and guidance. Federation of Small Businesses Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Various Businesses
Tel:0808 20 20 888 Website:www.**b.org.uk
The FSB is the
Tel:0300 303 ***
Middlesbrough Council Love
Tel:01642 72***
Office for the Police & Crime Commissioner for Cleveland Public Confidence Survey Focus Groups,telephone survey,questionnaires etc Adults Sarah Wil***
Tel:01642 30***
600 annual interviews per district. This is supplemented by qualitative work with minority groups.
Tel:01642 72***
It is Chaired by the Executive Member for Social Care and various partners sit on the board e.g DWP,Age UK,PCT ( what was the PCT) and the MSCF is a member of this partnership and is attended by the Chair and Treasurer of the MSCF. Organisation Engagement Method Frequency Target audience Contact Person Details Additional Info Middlesbrough Council Middlesbrough Cohesion Partnership Forum Quarterly Forums and Regular Meetings All stakeholders Shahda Khan
Tel:01642 72***
This event is open to all but would particularly welcome attendance from people with disabilities,people of all ages,people of faith/belief,LGBT and diverse ethnic communities. Endeavour Housing Association Tenants Advisory Panel (TAP) Monthly Tenants and service users Tracy Fraser
Tel:01642 79***
TAP comprises of tenants from across the Association’s housing stock that meet with staff regularly to discuss matters of interest. The Advisory Panel has direct involvement in policies that affect tenants and they are used as a consultative body by the Association. Endeavour Housing Association Tenants Conference Bi-annually Tenants,Service Users,Staff and Partners Tracy Fraser
Tel:01642 79***
The Tenants’ Advisory Panel (TAP) organises a Tenants’ Conference every other year. Endeavour Housing Association Thematic Groups Tenants and service users Tracy Fraser
Tel:01642 79***
Thematic Groups provide tenants with the opportunity to have their say and ensure that we are performing to the highest standards,delivering the right services to the right people. There are four Thematic Groups,which cover the following service areas; Repairs and Maintenance,Supported Housing,Housing Management and Development. Endeavour Housing Association Tenants’ Newsletter Tenants and service users Tracy Fraser
Tel:01642 79***
The Tenants’ Newsletter carries the items of news that will be of interest to tenants,as well as being a method for Endeavour to keep tenants informed of services,activities and planned initiatives. Erimus Housing Resident Involvement Group Tenants and service users Resident Involvement Team
Tel:01642 25***
08000 461***
Monthly housing forums,local resident group meetings,annual conferences,seminars and training
Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the meth***
Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information North of England Refugee Service Peter Widlinski North of England Refugee Service 3rd Floor Sylvan House 12-
Internal bulletin Targeted emails as and when necessary. Monthly internal email bulletin. Staff/volunteers,campaigning/ supporting groups and agencies covering specific areas above. Info on all aspects of asylum and refugee issues including women,children,health,education,LGBT issues. Internal bulletin is used for staff and volunteers. Targeted emails also used internal/external. We are developing an email information service that will include an e-bulletin and will target specific interest groups with appropriate and relevant emailed information.
sam.lincoln**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk
Staff newsletter Every 3 months (next edition October 2010) Staff DTV Probation news,local and national good practice,new policies and processes,staff news. Internal
sam.lincoln**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk
Press releases 2 - 3 per month The Public DTV Probation success stories
sam.lincoln**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk
Text messaging service As appropriate Offenders Appointments and other offender related information Durham Tees Valley Probation Sam Lincoln Communications Officer 6th Floor Centre North East 73 - 75 Albert Road TS1 2RU
sam.lincoln**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk
Website As appropriate The Public Messages about Durham Tees Valley Probation Trust PARTNER COMMUNICATION METHODS Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information Durham Tees Valley Probation Sam Lincoln Communications Officer 6th Floor Centre North East 73 - 75 Albert Road TS1 ***
sam.lincoln**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk
Twitter Daily The
sam.lincoln**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk
Business Plans and three year Strategic Plans Annually in April The Public,staff,partners and sentencers Business and strategic policies/ planning/ statistical information Durham Tees Valley Probation Sam Lincoln Communications Officer 6th Floor Centre North East 73 - 75 Albert Road TS1 2RU
sam.lincoln**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk
MAPPA Report Annually in October The Public and partners Details of multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA),regarding sexual and violent offenders including statistical info. Jobcentre Plus Yvonne Bradbury 01642 41***
yvonne.bradbury**[ta]**centreplu s.gsi.gov.uk
Internal Intranet site Daily Jobcentre Plus Advisors Non contracted provision,updates for staff on local and national issues,guidance and success stories. Details of provision are updated on the site for use by advisors in their daily interviews. Middlesbrough Environment City Mark Fishpool mark.fishpool**[ta]**vcity.org.uk
As appropriate Some general,some specific groups eg:people in fuel poverty Environmental awareness/ promoting sustainable lifestyles Middlesbrough Environment City Mark Fishpool
Leaflets As appropriate Some general,some specific groups eg:people in fuel poverty Environmental awareness/ promoting sustainable lifestyles Five Lamps Organisation Keith Miles 01642 608316 Block texting,website,leaflets,posters,stands and social networking Every 2 months Services delivered,support offered and good news stories Stainton and Thornton Parish Council Angela Cooper 2 Low Farm Close Thornton Middlesbrough
Newsletter Quarterly,1 March,1 June,1 September and 1 December Every household in the Parished area Borough and Parish Council news,general village news It provides details of forthcoming activities of all village organisations Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information Middlesbrough Voluntary and Development Agency (MVDA) Norah Sanders M***
Newsletter Quarterly,1 March,1 June,1 September and 1 December Voluntary and Community Organisations with presence in Middlesbrough,including MVDA
and MVDA
Members and MVDA
Stakeholders (Public Sector Partners) A range of practical information and comments through MVDA
Newsletter 'Outlook' on:Volunteering,funding and other resources,training and events,local news of relevance to VCS (including Partnership business),regional,subregional and national policy/info as appropriate. (Hard copy and downloadable from website)
Website As appropriate Predominantly VCOs in Middlesbrough but available to all Upcoming training events for VCOs,job opportunities,latest news of relevance to VCOs and funding opportunities Middlesbrough Voluntary and Development Agency (MVDA) Norah Sanders MVDA
Email and mail As appropriate VCOs with an interest in the themes stated within 'types of messages' Information relevant to the following interest groups:Adult learning,children and young people,economic development,health and social care,safer communities,housing related support,funding information and community buildings Those thematic groups have signed up to receive information relevant to their particular interests Erimus Housing Helen Sturdy,2 Hudson Quay,Windward Way,Middlesbrough,TS2 ***