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Information about the main activities and achievements of the

All-Russian Research Institute of Mechanization of Agriculture

of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Leading research center for the development of innovative projects to address the strategy of machine-technological modernization of the country's agriculture, the introduction of new technologies in agricultural production, the new generation of machines.

The main objectives of the All-Russian Research Institute of Mechanization

1. Provision of scientific and technical progress in the mechanization process plant growing to increase the intensity and sustainability of competitive and environmentally safe agricultural products (grain, fodder, potatoes, sugar and fodder beet);

2. The development of machine technologies, processes, systems facilities and equipment for their implementation;

3. Layout and production of prototypes and production machines for the mechanization of production processes in the plant, including seed selection works.

The main research directions

1. Development, design, manufacture machinery for the mechanization and automation of Agriculture - Combine harvesters, agricultural machines and equipment, mobile power tools, sowing machines, combined machines for plant and machinery for the production of potatoes and root crops, machinery for fodder, fertilizer application, post-harvest handling and grain storage, breeding and seed-growing technique;

2. The development of resource-saving and environmentally efficient technologies for agriculture;

3. Energy-saving support to agriculture fuel and energy resources. Application of alternative energy.

The achievements of the research institute of agricultural mechanization in recent years

- Development and production of a new generation of technology for plant breeding and seed;

- Creation of transport and technological systems;

- Creation of machines and plants for harvesting and post-harvest grain;

- Development of technologies of precision agriculture;

- Technologies and facilities for motor fuel and alternative energy;

- Create a set of machines for fruit and vegetable;

- The use of the GLONASS system in agriculture.


Information about the main activities and achievements of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture.


The main activities are the development and implementation of technologies and machinery for:

- Tillage and sowing of crops in dry conditions;

- Preparation of feed directly into the small and collective farms;

- Pre-sowing cultivation of seeds and disinfection of grain eco-friendly electro physical methods;

- Grain harvesting by combing under a root.

The Institute has its own development and production facilities for the manufacture of prototypes of machines, about 700 hectares of fields for their testing and verification technology, a modern laboratory for analysis of quality indicators of grain and seeds.


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