来源:网群国际    浏览:

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia

Tel:(212) 972-***

Fax: (212) 972-***

E-mail: ptri**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic

Tel:(212) 687-***

Fax: (212) 867-***

E-mail: iran**[ta]**int



Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United

Tel:(212) 737-***

Fax: (212) 772-1794, -737-***

E-mail: iraqny**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 421-***

Fax: (212) 752-***

E-mail: newyorkpmun**[ta]**.ie



Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 499-***

Fax: (212) 499-***

E-mail: UNInfo**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 486-9191, (646) 840-***

Fax: (212) 486-***

E-mail: info.italyun**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 935-***

Fax: (212) 935-***

E-mail: jamaica**[ta]**int



Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 223-***

Fax: (212) 751-***

E-mail: p-m-j**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom

Tel:(212) 832-***

Fax: (212) 832-***

E-mail: missionun**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel:(212) 230-***

Fax: (212) 230-***

E-mail: kazakhstan**[ta]**int




Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 421-4740-***

Fax: (212) 486-***

E-mail: info**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 867-***

Fax: (212) 867-***

E-mail: Kimission.newyork**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the State

Tel:(212) 973-***

Fax: (212) 370-***

E-mail: kuwait**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic

Tel:(212) 486-4214, -***

Fax: (212) 486-***

E-mail: kyrgyzstan**[ta]**int



Permanent Mission of the Lao People’s Democratic

Tel:(212) 832-2734, -***

Fax: (212) 750-***




Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 838-***

E-mail: mission.un-ny**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 355-***

Fax: (212) 838-2819, -***

E-mail: contact**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Kingdom

Tel:(212) 661-***

Fax: (212) 682-***

E-mail: lesothonewyork**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 687-1033, -***

Fax: (212) 687-1846, ***

E-mail: Liberia**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of Libya

Tel:(212) 752-***

Fax: (212) 593-***

E-mail: info**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of the Principality

Tel:(212) 599-***

E-mail: mission**[ta]**

Social Media: Twitter: **[ta]**chtensteinUN


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 983-9474, -9470, -***

Fax: (212) 983-***

E-mail: lithuania**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of Luxembourg to the United

Tel:(212) 935-***

Fax: (212) 935-***

E-mail: newyork.rp**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 986-9491, -9492, -***

Fax: (212) 986-***

E-mail: repermad.ny**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 317-8738, -***

Fax: (212) 317-***

E-mail: MalawiNewyork**[ta]**.com

E-mail: MalawiU**[ta]**.com


Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 986-***

Fax: (212) 490-***

E-mail: mwnewyorkun**[ta]**

http://www.**.int/malaysia ,


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 599-6194, -***

Fax: (212) 661-***

E-mail: info**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 737-4150, 794-***

Fax: (212) 472-***

E-mail: malionu**[ta]**.com



Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 725-***

Fax: (212) 779-***

E-mail: malta-un.newyork**[ta]**.mt

E-mail: malta**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 983-***

Fax: (212) 983-***

E-mail: marshallislands**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic

Tel:(212) 252-0113, -***

Fax: (212) 252-***

E-mail: mauritaniamission**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 949-0190, -***

Fax: (212) 697-***

E-mail: mauritius**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 752-***

Fax: (212) 752-0634 (General Number)

E-mail: onuusr1**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of the Federated States

Tel:(212) 697-***

Fax: (212) 697-***

E-mail: fsmun**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of the Principality

Tel:(212) 832-***

Fax: (212) 832-***

E-mail: Monaco.un**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of Mongolia

Tel:(212) 861-9460, 737-***

Fax: (212) 861-***

E-mail: mongolianmission**[ta]**



Permanent Mission of Montenegro

Tel:(212) 661-***

Fax: (212) 661-***

E-mail: UN.NewYork**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Kingdom

Tel:(212) 421-***

Fax: (212) 980-1512, 421-***

E-mail: morocco.un**[ta]**


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 644-6800, -***

Fax: (212) 644-5972, -***

E-mail: mozambique**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union

Tel:(212) 744-1271, -1275, -***

Fax: (212) 744-***

E-mail: myanmarmission**[ta]**


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