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时至今日,加中科协已经拥有注册会员两千余人,其中75% 以上的会员理事有博士和硕士学历。会员中包含世界级及加拿大科学界领先人才、加拿大政府前任官员、中国863计划学科带头人、中国国家重点实验室主任、中国政府经济科技顾问、全国青联委员等各领域全方位专业人才精英。



CCSST is a nonpartisan and non-profit professional organization. It was founded in 1993 by a group of Chinese and Canadian scientists and high-tech professionals who shared the common goals and objectives. Its purpose is to promote the collaboration in science and technology domains between Canada and China and assist Canadian Chinese professionals in seeking equal employment opportunities and career development in Canada

These CCSST founders with a big heart hoped to develop a broad platform for science and technology cooperation, professional exchange and career development for many talented professionals. As soon as CCSST was founded, it gained active support from the academia both in Canada and China. A number of well-known academic figures accepted the invitation as the CCSST’s advisors and they have made a great contribution to the initial growth of CCSST.

Currently, CCSST has more than 2000 registered members, over 75% members have doctoral and/or master’s degrees. Among them are many world-class talented members including Canadian well-known scientists, former Canadian government officials, National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Pro-gram) leaders, China State Key Laboratory Directors, Chinese government economic/scientific advisers, as well as China Youth Federation committee members.

In addition, CCSST has many group members, including Vancouver Beijing University Alumni Association, Fudan University Alumni Association. CCSST has also established broad collaborative relationships with National Research Council of Canada, University of British Columbia (UBC), and Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), the Canadian Institute of Forestry and Simon Fraser University (SFU).

In the last twenty years, CCSST has enjoyed a broad cooperation with all levels of Canadian and Chinese government and many organizations in the industrial and academic worlds. Among many well-known CCSST’s advisors were and are Dr. Zhou, Guangzhao, For-mer President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Zhang, Cunhao, Former Director of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mr. David Choi, the National Executive Chair of the National Congress of Chinese Canadians, Dr. Keith Zhang, High-ranking Federal Officer and Director of APEC, Dr. Suezone Chow, Chairman of Science Council of British Columbia, Mr. Tung Chan the former Councilor and the former Deputy Mayor of the City of Vancouver.

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