Position Title Given Name Surname Email BIO. Schol***
Hub Dean Professor John P Burns jpburns**[ta]**.hk
Associate Dean
(Knowledge Exchange) Professor John H Bacon-Shone johnbs**[ta]**.hk
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education) Dr Travis S K Kong travisk**[ta]**.hk
Associate Dean
(Innovation) Professor Wai-Fung Lam dwflam**[ta]**.hk
Associate Dean
(Postgraduate Education) Professor Cecilia Cheng ceccheng**[ta]**.hk
Associate Dean(Research) Professor George C S Lin gcslin**[ta]**.hk
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education) Professor Samson S K Tse samsont**[ta]**.hk
Associate Director (Sustainable Development) Dr Winnie W Y Law wwylaw**[ta]**.hk
Lecturer (Sustainable Development) DrMargaret J BurnettMaggieb**[ta]**.hk
Assistant Director (Experiential Learning)Mr Ken Yau tkyau**[ta]**.hk
LecturerMiss Elsa Lam lamelsa**[ta]**.hk
Assistant LecturerMiss Winky Wu winkywmt**[ta]**.hk
Administrative Staff
Position Title Given Name Surname Em***
Faculty Secretary
(Senior Assistant Registrar)Mrs Amy Tsang awctsang**[ta]**.hk
Assistant RegistrarMiss Vanessa Sit vansit**[ta]**.hk
Administrative AssistantMr Tommy Fan yhfan**[ta]**.hk
Senior ITManagerMr Harold Tsang ssharold**[ta]**.hk
ITManagerMrMaurice TamMpltam**[ta]**.hk
Executive OfficerMiss Grace Chan gracechy**[ta]**.hk
Miss Emily Cheuk hlcheuk**[ta]**.hk
Miss Iris Chow irischow**[ta]**.hk
Ms Cathy Chun cathyyi**[ta]**.hk
Miss Phoebe Kan phoebeka**[ta]**.hk
Ms Janice Liu ssjanice**[ta]**.hk
Ms Allison Ng allisong**[ta]**.hk
Mr Ricky Sham rsham**[ta]**.hk
Mr Alan Tang alantsl**[ta]**.hk
MissMary TsangMarytwc**[ta]**.hk
Miss Pik Yan piky**[ta]**.hk
Ms Jamie Yuen jamiey**[ta]**.hk
Information Technology OfficerMr Otto Leung ottol**[ta]**.hk
Miss Irmina Ng irminang**[ta]**.hk
Faculty ClerkMr Eric Yeung emwyeung**[ta]**.hk
Executive AssistantMs Lilian Hau lilianh**[ta]**.hk
MissMary KwokMarykwok**[ta]**.hk
Miss Eunice Lai eytlai**[ta]**.hk
MissMayumi LauMayulwy**[ta]**.hk
Miss Nga Yin Poon nypoon**[ta]**.hk
Mr Sum Siu siuks**[ta]**.hk
Miss Summy Tang summyt**[ta]**.hk
Postgraduate TeamMr Hayson Chan haysonc**[ta]**.hk
Miss AngelaMak angmak**[ta]**.hk
Undergraduate TeamMr Laos Au laosau**[ta]**.hk
Miss Connie Kwan ckwy**[ta]**.hk
Miss Angel Lau angelmyl**[ta]**.hk
Mr Jacky Tse jyctse**[ta]**.hk
MissMiki WuMikiw418**[ta]**.hk
Community Relations & Events TeamMiss Annice Cheng aywcheng**[ta]**.hk
Project AssistantMiss Zoe Wong wongz**[ta]**.hk
**** TechnicianMr Rock Li rockli**[ta]**.hk
Analyst ProgrammerMr Sky Tsui skytsui**[ta]**.hk
IT AssistantMr Nick Tung ntyk**[ta]**.hk
Clerical AssistantMsMeimi Wong wongmm**[ta]**.hk
Office AttendantMs Debbie Yan dppyan**[ta]**.hk
Faculty Office
Address: 11/F, The
Tel: (852) 3917 1***
Fax: (852) 2517 0***
Email: socsc**[ta]**.hk
Office hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm; 2:00pm - 6:00pm
General Enquiry
Tel: (852) 3917 1234 / 3917 1***
Taught and Research Postgraduates
Tel: (852) 3917 ***
Email: socscpg**[ta]**.hk
Tel: (852) 3917 ***
Email: socscug**[ta]**.hk
Community Relations & Events
Tel: (852) 3917 ***