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集成型表面等离子体波生化传感芯片项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目拟建设于香河新兴产业示范区,项目拟占地面积567公顷,主要建设研发中心、生产车间、办公楼、附属设施等,年产35吨集成型表面等离子体波生化传感芯片。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:总投资4550万美元,拟利用外资2000万美元。项目投资市场分析:该产品能够对环境污染、疾病检测、食品安全等民生热点进行简单、快速的监控,并且可集成,芯片体积小,可与便携设备集成,传感性能稳定,应用领域广泛。投资项目经济效益:由于目前国内尚无同类产品,而且此产品可在疾病检验、环境监测、药品鉴别等多个领域应用,具有较大的市场推广空间。本芯片使用简便、对样品无二次污染、性能稳定,对纳米量级的生化小分子探测均具有高灵敏度,相对于其他类型的传感器件,具有明显的经济和技术优势。预计年产值35万吨集成型表面等离子体波生化传感芯片,营业收入约6万美元,年税收约370万美元。招商引资建设条件:河北香河新兴产业示范区坐落于京津冀腹地,紧邻京哈高速路出口,起步区已全部实现“九通一平”,投资环境优越。项目招商机构:河北香河新兴产业示范区为河北省政府批准的省级园区,坚持“政府推动、企业运营、市场运作”的发展模式,由廊坊瑞盛投资股份有限公司负责园区整体开发、基础设施建设、招商引资工作;目前园区已实现九通一平,基础设施建设完善。招商引资合作方式:独资、合资、合作。投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:魏娜 招商引资电话:0086-316-887*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-887*** 招商引资地址:河北香河新兴产业示范区管理委员会 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:510522**[ta]**com


Integrated surface plasmon resonance sensor chip

Project contentThe project intends to build new industrial demonstration zone in Xianghe, the project covers an area of 567 hectares, mainly the construction of R & D center, production workshop, office building and ancillary facilities, with an annual output of 35 tons in forming the surface wave plasma biochemical sensor chip .Investment estimates and funding sourcesTotal investment of $45 million 500 thousand, the proposed use of foreign investment $20 million .Market analysisThe product to environmental pollution, disease detection, food safety and other livelihood hot simple and rapid monitoring and integrated chip, small size, can be integrated with portable devices, sensing stable performance, wide application field .Economic benefitsAt present, there is no similar products in the country, and this product can be applied in many fields, such as disease detection, environmental monitoring, drug identification, and so on. This chip is easy to use, the sample does not have two pollution, stable performance, biochemical small molecules on nano probe have high sensitivity, relative to other types of sensors, has obvious technical and economic advantages .Construction conditionsHebei Xianghe new industry demonstration zone is located in the hinterland of Beijing and Tianjin, close to the exit road Jinghagaosu, qibuou has all realized "Nine", the investment environment is superior .General situation of the Chinese contractorsHebei Xianghe new industry demonstration zone for the approval of the Hebei provincial government and the Provincial Park, adhere to the "development model of government, enterprise and market operation", by Langfang Rui Sheng Investment Limited by Share Ltd responsible for the park overall development, infrastructure construction and investment work; at present, the park has achieved infrastructure, improve infrastructure construction .Cooperation modeSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation. Contactinformation

CommissionerWei Na AddressXianghe New Industrial Demonstration Zone Management Committee Zip code065400, Hebei Tel0086-316-887*** Fax0086-316-887*** E-mail510522**[ta]**com


广阳电子信息产品研发生产基地项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:位于河北廊坊广阳经济开发区内,项目占地550亩,总建筑面积340000平方米,建设标准化钢筋混凝土框架厂房,产品研发中心,办公楼,宿舍及附属配套设施。投资估算与资金来源:本项目投资总额估算为24亿美元,其中建设资金2亿美元,流动资金04亿美元。项目投资市场分析:电子信息产业是中国增长最为迅速的一个行业,电子信息产业在中国经济发展中的地位不断提高。京津两地的电子信息制造业持续保持15-20%的发展势头,尤其是通信设备、电子元器件产业、计算机制造等信息产业具有相当的竞争优势,廊坊的生产成本优势和区位优势将使廊坊成为新兴产业基地。投资项目效益分析:该项目建成后年可实现销售收入24亿美元,可实现销售利润07亿美元,投资利润率225%,投资回收期444年。招商引资建设条件:廊坊广阳经济开发区位于廊坊市区东南隅,北接廊坊开发区,南至富士康工业园,西起廊坊市区,东临天津界,京沪高铁廊坊货运场。形成了依托中心城市和空港、海港发展经济的独特区位优势。投资环境:廊坊广阳经济开发区位于廊坊是主城区东南部,规划面积28平方公里,纳入本轮廊坊市城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划,是目前京津冀腹地仅留成片工业用地。开发区现有两纵五横七条主干道,总长15公里,具备“九通一平”的建设条件。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作、独资 招商引资联系人:王伟 项目招商机构:河北廊坊广阳经济开发区招商部 招商引资地址:廊坊市东大外环路中段 招商引资电话:0086-316-283*** 招商引资电话:0086-316-283*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-2833*** E-maillfgica**[ta]**com招商机构网址


The R&D and Production Base of the Electronic Information Products of Guangyang, Langfang

Project contentIt is located in Guangyang Economic Development Zone, Langfang, Hebei. The project covers an area of 550mu and its total building area is 340,000 square meters which includes standard frame-structure plants with reinforced concrete, research and development centers, office buildings, dormitories and ancillary facilities .Investment Estimation and Funding SourcesThe total estimated investment of this project is 024 billion dollars, of which the construction funds account for 02 billion dollars and the circulating funds 400 million dollars .Market AnalysisThe electronic information is the fastest growing industry in China. The status of the electronic information industry in China's economic development improves continually. The electronic information industry of Beijing and Tianjin continues to maintain the growth momentum of 15-20%. Particularly, the information industry, including communication equipment, electronic component industry and computer manufacturing, has a considerable competitive advantage. The cost and location advantages of Langfang will enable it to become a base of emerging industries .Economic Effectiveness AnalysisAfter the completion of the project, the annual sales revenue can reach 024 billion dollars, the profit ratio of investment is 225% and the investment payback period is 444 years .Construction ConditionGuangyang Economic Development Zone of Langfang lies in the southeast corner of Langfang .Investment EnvironmentThe Guangyang Economic Development Zone of Langfang lies in the southeast of Langfang's main urban area with the planning area being 28 square kilometers. It is included in the present round of overall urban planning and overall planning for land utilization in Langfang, and this area is the only remaining piece of industrial land in the back-land of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region currently. The development zone has seven main roads at present, five of which are latitudinal and the other two are longitudinal. The roads have a total length of ilometers which meets the construction conditions of "nine connections and one leveling" .Cooperative FormsJoint capital, collaboration and sole proprietorship ContactPersonsWang Wei Company NameInvestment Promotion Department of Guangyang Economic Development Zone, Langfang, Hebei Contact AddressMidpiece, East Ring Road, Langfang ContactNumber Tel0086-316-283*** Tel0086-316-283*** Fax0086-316-283*** E-maillfgica**[ta]**com Websitewww.**


新型光纤传感器项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:该项目占地90亩,总建筑面积48000㎡,采用先进的光纤传感技术,年产光纤液位传感器及罐群管理系统5万套、光纤浓度仪及在线监测系统15万套,光纤压力传感器25套,大口径光纤流量仪1万套。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:该项目投资总额3850万美元。项目投资市场分析:传感器技术是构成现代信息技术的主要技术之一,随着物联网 产业进入市场导入期,传感器将迎来黄金期。据预测,未来五年国内传感器市场年复合增长31%。目前我国中低端市场的光纤传感器发展较为完善,而面向高端市场的光纤传感器领域相对落后,仍处于研发阶段。基于以上诸多优势,光纤传感器发展潜力巨大,未来将会在安保、军事、石油、天然气、电力以及科学研究等领域得到广泛应用。投资项目效益分析:该项目投资总额3850万美元,年销售收入预计可达3370万美元,利润1450万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目拟选址于龙河高新技术产业区,该区位于廊坊市南城区,总规划面积375平方公里,其中一期28平方公里,距北京和天津市中心分别为40公里和60公里,区位优势突出,园区基础设施完善,能够满足本项目各方面的建设需要。项目招商机构:龙河高新技术产业区先后被评为“国家火炬计划廊坊信息产业基地”、“省级高新技术产业示范区”及首批“省级产业聚集区”。高新区位于北京和天津两大直辖市的黄金分割点,享有环渤海、环京津、环首都的“三环”优势,周边产业资源高度密集,市场容量巨大,高速铁路、高速公路、铁路货运、机场港口构成的立体化交通网络发达,物流通畅。招商引资合作方式:独资 招商引资联系人:孙文昕 招商引资电话:0086-316-267*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-267*** 招商引资地址:河北省廊坊市安次区南龙道39号创业大厦 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:wenxinsun**[ta]**com


The project of New Optical Fiber Sensor

Project ContentThis project covers an area of 90 mu and has gross building area of 48,000 m2 Adopting advanced optical fiber sensing technology, it is meant to reach the annual output of 50,000 sets of optical fiber liquid-level sensor and tank group management system,1,5000 sets of optical fiber concentration meters and online monitoring systems, 25,000 sets of optical fiber pressure sensor and10,000 sets of large-caliber optical fiber flow instrument .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThis project is estimated to have total investment of USD 385 million, all self-financed .Market AnalysisSensing technology is a major part in modern information technology. IOT (Internet of Things) industry entering the market will lead to a golden period of the development of sensing devices. It is estimated that our domestic sensor market will reach an annual compound growth rate of 31% in the next 5 years. At present, with a relatively developed middle and low-end market of optical fiber sensors, fiber sensors for high-end market in China is still in R&D phase and has great development space. Considering the advantages above, optical fiber sensors has great potential for development and will be widely used in various fields such as security, military matters, oil, natural gas, electric power and scientific research .Benefit AnalysisThis project has a total investment of USD 385 million. By estimation, it can reach the annual sales revenue of USD 337 million and profit of USD145 million .Construction ConditionsThis Project is planned to be located in Longhe High-tech Industry Zone. South Langfang, The total planned area of 375 square kilometers, of which a 28 kilometers, It is 40 kilometers and 60 kilometers distant from the downtown Beijing and Tianjin, respectively.Under the premise of remarkable geographic advantage, well-established infrastructure can be used to meet construction needs of this Project at various aspects .General Description of Chinese SponsorIt is successively appraised asLangfang Information Industry Base of National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development, Provincial-level High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone and the first batch of “Provincial-level Industry Clustering Zone”. High-tech Industry Zone is located in Beijing and Tianjin municipalities .Cooperative Formsolely-funded ContactWay ContactPersonSun Wenxin Tel0086-316-267*** Fax0086-316-267*** AddressAnci District Office Building,No.39,Nanlong Road,Anci District,Langfang City,Hebei Province Post Code06*** E-mailwenxinsun**[ta]**com


大数据存储及分析项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目总占地面积100,总建筑面积82000平方米。主要建设实验室、办公楼、孵化中心、原料库房、成品库房、质量检验中心、职工宿舍、食堂、附属用房等。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目估算总投资03亿美元。资金全部由企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:大数据存储及大数据计算的基础,未来大数据存储的需求呈现指数级别增加,在大数据基础上的大数据分析和运算市场前景广阔。通过对销售图书、食品、玩具等通过防伪密码识别技术或RFID技术,可以实现对产品流通的实施监控和分析,大数据存储和分析是未来物联网发展的重要应用。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后,预计正常年销售收入174亿美元,上缴税收014亿美元,带动就业500人。招商引资建设条件:目前该区域路网、热力站、给水厂、污水处理厂、雨污水泵站、变电站、燃气、通讯、创业服务中心等配套设施工程已陆续建成投入使用,具备大型项目综合吸附和承载能力。项目招商机构:河北廊坊新兴产业示范区,2010年经省政府批准成立。201411月,示范区被省政府批准为廊坊高新技术产业开发区。园区总规划面积73平方公里,示范区以新兴产业聚集、高新技术产业孵化和低碳经济引领为功能定位,以发展电子信息、新能源、新材料、高端装备制造等新兴产业为方向,承接京津高端产业转移的首选区域。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:田蕾 招商引资电话:0086-316-866*** 招商引资电话:0086-1860316*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-866*** 招商引资地址:河北廊坊新兴产业示范区管委会 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:lftianlei**[ta]**com


Project of Big Data Storage and Analysis

Content and Size of Project ConstructionThe base covers an area of100 mu (about 67 hectares) (a gross floor area of 82000 square meters)consisting of laboratory, office buildings, incubation center, raw material warehouses, finished product warehouses, quality inspection center, staff dormitory, canteen and subsidiary rooms, etc .Investment Estimation and Fund ResourcesThe total investment on this project is estimated to be 30 million US dollars. All funds are raised by enterprises themselves .Market AnalysisBig data storage is the foundation of big data calculation. The demand for big data storage will increase exponentially, and the market of big data analysis and calculation based on big data will be prosperous. The monitoring and analysis on product circulation can be achieved by applying security code recognition technology or RFID technology to the on sale products such as books, food, toys, etc. The big data storage and analysis is the important application for the future Internet of Things development .Economic Benefit AnalysisIt is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be 0174 billion US dollars and14 million US dollars will be paid for the tax. The project will provide 500 persons with job opportunities .Construction ConditionsNow, supporting facilities including road network, heating station, water supply plant, sewage disposal plant, sewage pumping station, electric substation, and service center for fuel gas, correspondence and business incubation have been build and put into use. The project is able to attract and support large scale projects .General Description of Chinese SponsorLangfang Emerging Industry Demonstration Area of Hebei province is a provincial area approved by the provincial government in 2010 In November 2014, the area is approved by the provincial government as Langfang industrial development zone for high and new technology. Total planning area is 73 square kilometers. Based on the functional orientation of emerging industry cluster, high and new technology industry incubation and low carbon economy pioneer, the demonstration are stresses on the development of emerging industries such as electronic information, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment manufacturing, etc, make it a preferred area of taking over relocated high-end industry in Beijing and Tianjin .Cooperative FormJoint venture, Cooperation ContactWay ContactPersonTian Lei Tel0086-316-866*** Tel0086-1860316*** Fax0086-316-866*** AddressEmerging Industrial Demonstration Area Management committee, Lang Fang City, Hebei Province Post Code065*** E-maillftianlei**[ta]**com


创新在线IC交易总部基地项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:占地面积30-45亩,总建筑面积为50000平方米,建设内容集办公、研发、制造、检验检测、培训、仓储、展销、结算及供应链管理运营于一体的IC交易及供应链管理运营总部基地。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:该项目投资总额5000万美元,企业自筹资金。项目投资市场分析:市场前景更为乐观。2015年,全球半导体市场规模为3364亿美元,中国为3610亿元人民币;全球集成电路设计行业营业额为900亿美元,中国为1325亿元人民币。中国是随着“中国制造2025”的推进,据全球权威研究机构IClnsights市场研究公司认为,中国正式成为全球电子系统产品的制造大国预计2016年中国的集成电路市场规模有望达到40000亿元人民币,设计营业额达到1500亿元人民币以上,稳站全球市场的20%以上。投资项目效益分析:预计2017年销售收入10000万元,利税合计1000万元,员工人数50人。2018年销售收入20000万元,利税合计2000万元,员工人数100人。招商引资建设条件:安次经济开发区的区位优势得天独厚。距离北京40公里、距离天津60公里、距离首都第二国际机场(二机场现已动工,2018年底开通)仅仅15公里、距离首都机场60公里、距天津国际机场70公里、距天津新港80公里,完全达到“一小时最优工业区”的国际标准。项目招商机构:IC交易企业集团目前拥有包括北京创新在线网络技术有限公司在内的50多家企业,主要分布在北京中关村、深圳、上海、香港及北美。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:张帅招商引资电话:1513374*** 招商引资邮箱:15133743**[ta]**com


Innovation Online IC Transaction Headquarters Base Project

Project content and scaleit covers an area of 20,000 to 30,000 m2 with a total construction area of 50,000 m2; this project is to establish a headquarters base of IC transaction and supply chain management and operation that integrates office, R&D, manufacture, inspection and detection, training, warehousing, sales exhibition, settlement, and supply chain management and operation .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is 50 million USD , which is raised by the enterprise by itself .Market analysisthe marketing prospect is intensely bright. In 2015, the global semiconductor market size was 3364 billion US dollars, and China 361 billion Yuan; the turnover of global IC design industry was 90 billion US dollars, and China招商引资电话:1325 billion Yuan. China is developing with the implementation of “Made in China 2025”. IC Insights, the global market research institute, believed that China has officially become a manufacturing power of global electronic system products and it is expected that in 2016, China’s IC market size may reach four trillion Yuan and the turnover of design may exceed150 billion Yuan, accounting for more than 20% of the global market .Economic benefit analysisit is predicted that in 2017, the sales revenue will be100 million Yuan, the profits and taxes will be10 million Yuan, and the number of employees will be 50; in 2018, the sales revenue will be 200 million Yuan, the profits and taxes will be 20 million Yuan, and the number of employees will be***

Construction conditionsAnci Economic Development Zone is endowed with advantageous location. It is 40 km from Beijing, 60 km from Tianjin,

m from Beijing Second International Airport (which is under construction and will be put into use by the end of 2018), 60 km from Beijing Capital International Airport, 70 km from Tianjin Binhai International Airport, and 80 km from Tianjin New Port, which can fully meet the international standard of “Optimal Industrial Zone”-accessible with one-hour drive .Profile of Chinese organizercurrently, IC Transaction Enterprise Group has more than 50 enterprises (including Beijing Innovation Online Network Technology Co., Ltd.), which are mainly located in Zhongguancun, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and North America .Cooperative wayJoint venture, Cooperation Contactinformation ContactPersonZhang Shuai Tel1513374*** E-mail15133743**[ta]**com


IDC数据处理中心项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:占地面积100亩,总建筑面积为66600平方米。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:该项目投资总额4300万美元,企业自筹资金。项目投资市场分析:据统计,目前国内现有的各类数据中心约43万个,数量约占全球13%,其中经营性IDC机房921个,面积88万平米,177万个机柜,能容纳200多万台服务器。IDC是信息化的重要基石,对信息产业的重要性不言而喻。而且IDC是数据中心发展进程中的必然产物。投资项目效益分析:预计2018年销售收入24亿元,利税合计3000万元。2019年销售收入3亿元,利税合计4000万元。招商引资建设条件:安次经济开发区的区位优势得天独厚。距离北京40公里、距离天津60公里、距离首都第二国际机场(二机场现已动工,2018年底开通)仅仅15公里、距离首都机场60公里、距天津国际机场70公里、距天津新港80公里,完全达到“一小时最优工业区”的国际标准。项目招商机构:京通电子信息公司是成立于一九九三年的全民所有制企业,其依托北京应用物理与计算数学研究所科技力量而发展的信息产业公司。京通公司专业从事计算机网络系统、行业性管理信息系统的设计、开发与系统集成,硬件设备的维修以及相关产品的代理销售业务。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:王忠东招商引资电话:1321693*** 招商引资邮箱:13216935**[ta]**com


IDC Data Processing Center Project

Project content and scaleit covers an area of approximate100 mu with a total construction area of 66,600 m2

Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is 43 million USD, which is raised by the enterprise by itself .Market analysisaccording to statistics, there are about 430,000 data centers in China at present, accounting for about招商引资电话:13% of the world, including 921 operational IDC rooms with an area of 880,000 m2 and177,000 equipment cabinets, which can accommodate more than two million servers. IDC is a major cornerstone of informatization, the importance of which to information industry is obvious. Besides, IDC is an inevitable product of development process of data center .Economic benefit analysisit is predicted that in 2018, the sales revenue will be 240 million Yuan, and the profits and taxes will be 30 million Yuan; in 2019, the sales revenue will be 300 million Yuan, and the profits and taxes will be 40 million Yuan.

Construction conditionsAnci Economic Development Zone is endowed with advantageous location. It is 40 km from Beijing, 60 km from Tianjin,

m from Beijing Second International Airport (which is under construction and will be put into use by the end of 2018), 60 km from Beijing Capital International Airport, 70 km from Tianjin Binhai International Airport, and 80 km from Tianjin New Port, which can fully meet the international standard of “Optimal Industrial Zone”-accessible with one-hour drive .Profile of Chinese organizerestablished in1993, Jingtong Electronic Information Co., Ltd. is an information industry enterprise owned by the whole people and develops by relying on the science and technology force of Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics. The company specializes in design, development, and integration of computer network system and industry management information system, maintenance of hardware equipment, and sales agency business of related products .Cooperative wayJoint venture, Cooperation Contactinformation ContactPersonWang Zhongdong Tel1321693*** E-mail13216935**[ta]**com


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