火箭(导弹)发动机部件及导弹精密部件生产项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:占地面积20亩,总建筑面积为13000平方米,建设内容包括航天军工精密零部件设计、加工、测试中心。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:该项目投资总额1200万美元,企业自筹资金。项目投资市场分析:该项目建设资本风险和市场风险因素较小,利润回报率相对较高,依托军工、航天市场以及梅兰锡通公司丰富的生产管理经验,技术成熟,工艺合理各项技术指标具有明显的市场竞争优势。投资项目效益分析:2018年产值约5000万元,税收900万,2019年产值8000万元,税收1500万 招商引资建设条件:安次经济开发区的区位优势得天独厚。距离北京40公里、距离天津60公里、距离首都第二国际机场(二机场现已动工,2018年底开通)仅仅15公里、距离首都机场60公里、距天津国际机场70公里、距天津新港80公里,完全达到“一小时最优工业区”的国际标准。项目招商机构:廊坊市梅兰锡通机械制造有限公司 招商机构简介:公司成立于2013年,注册资金1500万元,主要业务为军工航天测控产品研发、精密零部件制造,目前有技术人员100余人,固定资产3000余万元 招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 投资机构联系方式:招商引资联系人:关鑫招商引资电话:1381144*** 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:13811446**[ta]**com
Rocket (Missile) Engine Parts and Precision Missile Parts Production Project
Project content and scale:it covers an area of about
m from Beijing Second International Airport (which is under construction and will be put into use by the end of 2018),
招商引资内容:年产1100台电控液压设备及251万件气缸和液压配件,主要产品有电控液压系统、液压缸、气缸、液压泵阀、橡胶塑料密封件及液压附件等。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:本项目投资总额为24532万美元,资金为企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:机械工业是国民经济发展的基础性产业,国民经济中各行业的发展,都有赖于机械工业为其提供装备。招商引资建设条件:本项目拟选址在河北固安工业区。东至规划三路、南至东方街、西至规划用地、北至规划用地。厂区地势平坦,无拆迁物。该厂址无国家明文规定的自然保护区、风景旅游区和濒危动植物保护名录。投资项目效益分析:预计正常年度销售收入可达到人民币15665万元。项目招商机构:公司主要经营:机电设备、液压件、液压缸、气动设备及配件制造,以全新的管理模式,完善的技术,周到的服务,卓越的品质为生存根本,服务顾客。招商引资合作方式:独资 项目招商机构:廊坊贺士盾机电设备有限公司 招商引资电话:0086-316-592*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-592*** 招商引资地址:河北固安工业区 招商引资邮编:06***
Annual output of1100 sets of electronic control hydraulic equipment and 2 million 510 thousand cylinder and hydraulic parts project
Project content:this project is to determine the annual output of1100 sets of equipment and 2 million 510 thousand pieces of electronically controlled hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic accessories, the main products are electric hydraulic system, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic cylinder, valve, rubber plastic seals and hydraulic accessories etc .Investment estimation and capital source:the total investment of the project is estimated 24532 million USD .Market analysis:mechanical industry is the basic industry of national economic development, the development of various industries in the national economy depends on the machinery industry to provide equipment .Construction conditions:the project is to be located in Guan Industrial Zone, Hebei. East planning three road, South to the
招商引资内容:年产20万片北斗定位模组/2000套北斗终端,2000套计重收费系统。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:总投资950万美元,资金为企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:目前,以GPS为代表的卫星导航应用产业已成为当今国际公认的八大无线产业之一。随着技术的进步、应用需求的增加,GPS以全天候、高精度、自动化、高效率等显著特点及其所独具的定位导航、授时校频、精密测量等多方面的强大功能,已涉足众多的应用领域,使GPS成为继蜂窝移动通信和互联网之后的全球第三个IT经济新增长点。招商引资建设条件:项目总占地3243亩,其中规划建设用地2001300平方米(20013公顷,3002亩)。建筑物占地986770平方米,道路广场占地684335平方米,绿化占地300195平方米,停车场占地300平方米。项目招商机构:公司主要提供生产,销售,智能交通产品,电子产品,电子设备,通讯产品,机械设备及本公司自研产品,专业工程承包,技术咨询,技术服务等产品和服务。投资项目效益分析:营业收入计800000万元。招商引资合作方式:独资 招商引资电话:0086-10-5856*** 招商引资传真:0086-10-5856*** 招商引资地址:固安县新兴产业示范区 招商引资邮编:06***
An annual output of 200 thousand pieces of Beidou Positioning Module /2000 Beidou terminal, the system of 2000 sets of weight charging system project
Project content:annual output of 200 thousand Beidou Positioning Module /2000 Beidou terminal, the 2000 sets of weight charging system .Investment estimation and capital source:the total investment is USD 95 million .Market analysis:at present, the satellite navigation application industry, represented by GPS, has become one of the eight major industries in the world. With the increase of technical progress and application requirements, GPS with powerful function of all-weather, high precision, automation, high efficiency and other notable features and unique positioning, timing and frequency calibration, precision measurement and so on, has been involved in many application areas, make GPS become after cellular mobile communication and Internet world third new economic point of growth of Construction conditions:the project covers an area of 3243 mu, including the planning and construction of land use of 20013 square meters (20013 hectares, 3002 acres) .The building covers an area of 986770 square meters, with an area of about 684335 square meters, covering an area of 300195 square meters, with an area of about 300 square meters .Economic benefit analysis:operating income of 80 million yuan
Mode of cooperation:sole proprietorship Tel:0086-10-5856*** Fax:0086-10-5856***
Correspondence Address:Guan new industry demonstration zone code:06***
招商引资内容:行星挤出机。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额 870万美元,全部由企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:公司主要产品为HT系列行星挤出机、GHT系列过滤挤出机、DHT系列单螺杆送料机及配套配件。公司拥有美国博士后导师(美籍华人)、研究员、高级工艺师、工程师等十多名科技人员,从上世纪九十年代开始,就专门从事行星挤出机的研究、开发与生产,进而成为中国大陆第一家生产厂家。近年来华腾佳和科技有限公司申请了十二项发明和实用新型专利!我们还将在前进中申请更多专利,创造出更多节能、环保的新产品以满足用户不断提高的需要! 招商引资建设条件:廊坊华腾佳和挤出机制造有限公司项目坐落于固安工业区北区航空航天产业园内,项目投资总额6000万元人民币,固定资产投资5000万,占地35亩。投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,预计年产将达到 65台,产值3000万元以上、年利润450万元,年利税200 万元、带动就业110人。招商引资合作方式:独资 项目招商机构:廊坊华腾佳和挤出机制造有限公司招商引资电话:1803168*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-592*** 招商引资地址:北开发区航天产业园 招商引资邮编:06***
Planetary equipment project
Project Content:Planetary Extruder .Investment estimation and capital source:The total investment of the project is 87 million USD .Market Analysis:The company's main products for the HT series planetary extruder, GHT series filter extruder, DHT series of single screw feeder and ancillary accessories. The company has more than10 scientific and technical personnel, such as American postdoctoral tutor (American Chinese), researcher, senior technician, engineer and so on. From the beginning of the1990s, we specialize in the research, development and production of planetary extruder, and become China Mainland first manufacturer. In recent years, Huateng Jia Technology Co., Ltd. has applied for12 invention and utility model patents! We will also apply for more patents in the forward, to create more energy-saving, environmentally friendly new products to meet the needs of users continue to improve!
Construction conditions:Langfang Huatengjia and Extruder Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The project is located in the aerospace industrial park of North District, Gu'an Industrial Zone. The total investment is 60 million yuan, and the fixed assets are invested 50 million, covering an area of 35 mu .Economic Benefit Analysis:After the project is put into production, it is expected to reach 65 units with an annual output.The output value of more than 30 million yuan, annual profit of 45 million yuan, annual profits and taxes 2 million yuan, driving the employment of110 people .Mode of cooperation:sole proprietorship Tel:1803168*** Fax:0086-316-592*** Address:Langfang Huatengjia and Extruder Manufacturing Co., Ltd zip code:06***
招商引资内容:销售石油测井仪器及配件,技术开发,技术服务,技术咨询,技术转让,货物进出口,技术进出口,代理进出口,租赁机械设备,出租科研用房。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:本项目投资估算为2066万美元,全部为自筹资金。项目投资市场分析:石油测井仪器正在向高集成、高可靠性、高时效化方向发展。成像测井系统、随钻测井系统等高端测井仪器的研制开发成为各大测井生产开发商追逐的焦点。招商引资建设条件:本项目总用地面积6313336㎡,其中:规划总用地面积4579336㎡;建筑占地面积2292300㎡;绿化占地面积685000㎡;测井井场及刻度场559060 m²;无磁刻度场546160 m²;道路、停车场占地496816㎡。建筑密度50%,容积率为098,绿化率为15%。投资项目效益分析:本项目正常年营业收入为30000万元。招商引资合作方式:独资 项目招商机构:河北环鼎石油设备有限责任公司招商引资电话:1391140*** 招商引资地址:固安工业园区北区 招商引资邮编:06***
Petroleum exploration instrument production project
Project content:Sales of petroleum logging instruments and accessories, technology development, technical services, technical consulting, technology transfer, import and export of goods and technology import and export, import and export agents, equipment leasing, rental housing research .Investment estimation and capital source:the project investment estimate is 2066 million USD ,all for self financing .Market analysis:petroleum logging instruments are developing towards Gao Jicheng, high reliability and high efficiency. The development of logging tools, such as imaging logging system, logging while drilling system, etc, has become the focus of the development of the logging production .Construction conditions:the project covers a total area of 6313336 square meters, of which:planning a total land area of 4579336 square meters; the building covers an area of 22923 square meters; the greening area of 6850 square meters; and a
招商引资内容:本项目主要产品有:喷墨打印机、喷墨打印墨水。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:本项目投资总额为2500万美元,全部为自筹资金。项目投资市场分析:印刷业发展速度稳中有进,总产值平均增长率达92%。产业结构有所优化。实施绿色印刷取得初步成效。产业内生动力得到增强。依法治业、以德兴业的发展环境初步形成。招商引资建设条件:本项目位于固安新兴产业示范区,固安县位于河北省中部,距北京市区仅40公里、国际机场60公里,距天津市区70公里、天津海港112公里;有京秦、京广铁路,具有了临两高、两空、三海港的立体交通优势,更有北京市943路公共汽车延伸至区内。交通条件便利。项目招商机构:公司专门致力于高品质喷墨打印耗材的研发和生产,总部位于北京中关村科技园核心区,是北京市高新技术企业。投资项目效益分析:本项目正常年销售收入23250万元。招商引资合作方式:独资 项目招商机构:固安联创佳艺喷墨技术有限公司 招商引资电话:0086-316-592*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-592*** 招商引资地址:固安县工业园区北区 招商引资邮编:06***
With an annual output of 150 inkjet printer project
Project Content:The main products of this project are:inkjet printers, inkjet printing inks .Investment Estimates and Sources of Funds:The total investment of the project is estimated at 25 million USD
Market Analysis:The printing industry has developed at a steady pace with an average growth rate of 92%. Industrial structure has been optimized. Implementation of green printing to achieve initial results. Industry endogenous power is enhanced. According to the rule of law, to the German environment for the development of the initial formation .Construction conditions:The project planning and construction land area of3186594 square meters. Among them:the building covers an area of1640378 square meters, green area of477989 square meters, road parking area of1068227 square meters .The project is located in Gu'an emerging industry demonstration area, Gu'an County is located in central Hebei Province, only 40 kilometers away from Beijing, the international airport 60 kilometers, 70 kilometers away from Tianjin, Tianjin port112 kilometers; Jingqin, Jingguang Railway, With two high, two empty, three harbor of three-dimensional traffic advantage, more Beijing 943 bus extended to the area. Convenient transportation conditions .Economic benefit analysis:the annual sales income of the project is 232 million 500 thousand yuan
Mode of cooperation:sole proprietorship Contactunit:Guan LIAN Jiayi Inkjet Technology Co. Ltd. Tel:0086-316-592*** Fax:0086-316-592*** Address:Guan Industrial Park North zip code:06***
装备制造研发生产项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:该由东阳机械设备制造(固安)有限责任公司投资建设,总占地5427亩,主要建设研发中心,生产厂房,库房,实验楼,办公楼及附属设施;主要为铁路工程机械装备行业,生产静压桩机、连续墙抓斗、长螺旋、履带式起重机等施工建设专用设备等。投资估算和资金来源:项目投资总额2026万美元,全部由企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:本项目的实施对提升区域工程机械装备产业技术水平、实现总店领域、重大技术装备本地化和关键技术突破具有重大意义。随着京津冀都市圈的加快建设和河北省工程机械装备制造业布局的加快条横,将迎接更大的市场机遇,成为京津冀都市圈乃至中国环渤海地区工程机械装备制造产品的主要供应商之一。投资项目效益分析:预计年营业收入2572000万元,税金及附加127271万元,年均利润341049万元,可安排就业100人。招商引资建设条件:园区基础设施、交通运输可以满足企业生产、生活需求。项目招商机构:公司位于大清河经济开发区,主要经营非标机械、设备加工、制造;节能、环保装备制造、加工。招商引资合作方式:独资。招商引资联系人:张云山招商引资电话:1393082*** 招商引资传真:0086-312-385*** 招商引资邮编:07*** 招商引资地址:河北省涿州市平安北街 招商引资邮箱:20423549**[ta]**com
Research and development of equipment manufacturing project introduction
Content and size of the project:the project from dongyang machinery manufacturing co., LTD. (the cpmpany) invest in the construction, total cover an area of 5427 mu, the main construction of research and development center, production workshop, warehouse, laboratory buildings, office buildings and ancillary facilities; Mainly for the railway engineering machinery and equipment industry, the production of static pressure pile machine, continuous wall grab, long spiral, crawler crane and other construction equipment, etc .Investment estimation and financing source:the project total investment is 2026 million dollars, all by the enterprise oneself, plans to use of foreign capital of $9 million .Market analysis:the project implementation to improve regional engineering machinery and equipment industry technology level, realize the head office, major technical equipment localization and key technical breakthrough is of great significance. As to speed up the construction of Beijing, tianjin and hebei metropolis circle and the layout of engineering machinery equipment manufacturing industry in hebei province to speed up the cross, will meet more market opportunities, to become China and Beijing, tianjin and hebei metropolis circle link bohai sea region one of the major suppliers of construction machinery equipment manufacturing products .Analysis of economic benefit:the annual business income is 2572 million yuan, is expected to tax and additional127271 million yuan, an annual profit of 341049 million yuan, can arrange employment of100 people .Construction term:the park infrastructure, transportation can meet the demand of enterprise production and living .Method of cooperation:sole proprietorship .Contact:yun-shan zhang Tel:1393082*** Fax:0086-312-385***
Postcode:07*** Address:hebei zhuozhou ping an north street E-mail:20423549**[ta]**com
招商引资内容:建设厂房、综合办公楼、库房等共46000平方米,采用国际一流技术研发和制造电梯及电梯配件。该产品应用于城市建设中民用及商用电梯。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:总投资4000万美元,企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:中国经济水平的提高及中国推进城市化建设的步伐不断加快,更多的人口将涌入新型城市,电梯是加快城市步伐、提高工作效率的重要工具,与人类生活、工作密切相关。招商引资建设条件:土地平整,九通一平,交通方便 。投资项目效益分析:产值4300万美元、销售收入800万美元、利税500万美元。项目招商机构:文安经济开发区位于文安县城北侧,东临廊沧高速,2011年7月份被批准为省级开发区,重点发展装备制造、电子信息、新能源新材料、汽车零配件四大产业。招商引资合作方式:合作、合资、独资均可。招商引资联系人:韩 彰招商引资电话:1863060*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-528*** 招商引资地址:河北省文安县丰利路231号 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:swd888**[ta]**com
Elevator and elevator parts production project
Content of the project:46000 square meters of factory buildings, office buildings, warehouses and so on. We use international first-class technology to develop and manufacture elevator and elevator parts. The utility model is used for civil and commercial elevators in urban construction .Investment estimation and capital source:the total investment is 40 million US dollars .Market analysis:Chinese economic level and promote the China city construction continues to accelerate the pace, more people will enter the new city, is an important tool to speed up the pace of city lift, improve work efficiency, and closely related to human life and work .Construction conditions:land leveling, infrastructure, convenient transportation .Economic benefit analysis:output value of 43 million U.S. dollars, sales revenue of $8 million, profit and tax of $5 million .General description of Chinese enterprise:Wen'an economic development zone is located in the north of Wen'an County, east of Langcang expressway, 2011 July was approved as a provincial Development Zone, focus on the development of equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new materials, new energy automotive parts industry four .Mode of cooperation:cooperation, joint venture or sole proprietorship .Contact:Han Zhang Tel:1863060*** Fax:0086-316-528*** Address:Hebei province Wen'an County Feng Li Lu No. 231 zip code:06*** E-mail:swd888**[ta]**com
招商引资内容:总占地87亩,总建筑面积42万平方米,新建生产车间、库房、办公楼、职工公寓及休闲生活设施等。购置吊装及专用专职机械设备497台(套)。主要生产铁制垃圾桶、除臭设备、小广告清洗设备、下水道疏通机等设备。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资3294万美元,全部由企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:预计未来随着城市化的发展,城市垃圾清运和道路清扫的工作量会持续增长,同时对工作质量的要求也会上升,在量和价值双重提升下,行业投资将持续保持高增长。招商引资建设条件:项目地理位置优越,交通十分便捷,是建设该项目的理想场所。该区域基础设施完善,配套条件较好,有利于加快项目建设进度,可使项目早日投产、早见效益。投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,可吸纳就业人员150人;实现年销售收入3445万美元,利润942万美元,税金235万美元。项目招商机构:北京事必达汽车有限公司,占地35亩,现有员工45人,实现年销售收入504万美元,利润361万美元,税金90万美元。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作均可 招商引资联系人:李利军招商引资电话:1507565*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-865*** 招商引资地址:河北省廊坊市文安县新桥经济开发区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:waxqgyq**[ta]**com
Produce10,000 Sets of Sanitation Equipment Project
Project Content:The project covers an area of 87 mu, planning to construct a floorage of 53222 square meters of workshop, warehouse, offices, staff apartments and leisure facilities,and so on. Acquisition of special dedicated machinery and equipment for hoisting and 497 (set). Main production steel trash can, deodorization devices, small cleaning equipment, sewer dredging machines and other equipment .Investment Estimation and Fund Source:The total investment of the project is 227 hundred millions yuan.The company is to self-raise all the funds .Market Analysis:Is expected in the future with the development of city, city garbage and road cleaning work will continue to grow at the same time, the quality of work requirements will rise in the volume and value of double promotion, industry investment will continue to maintain high growth .Construction Condition:As an ideal place to build the project, it has superior geographical position and convenient traffic. Except that, this region has a set of complete infrastructure and better necessary condition. All of these can speed up the construction progress and make the project put into production as soon as possible, so we can see the benefits earlier .Benefit Analysis:The project reaches the postpartum, the employment staff of 150 people achieve annual sales revenue of 2374 million Yuan, 6492 million yuan of profit and tax is162 million Yuan .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:Beijing will reach the Automobile Co., Ltd., covers an area of 35 acres, the existing staff of 45 people, the annual sales revenue of $37 million 400 thousand, profit of 24 million 920 thousand yuan, tax of $6 million 200 thousand .Cooperative Form:Joint venture or cooperation ContactPerson:Li Lijun Tel:0086-1507565*** Fax:0086-316-865*** Address:Economic development zone in langfang city, hebei wenan new bridge Post Code:065*** E-mail:waxqgyq**[ta]**com