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招商引资内容:拟占地400亩,新建生产车间、科技研发中心、办公楼及宿舍楼30万平方米。该项目建设分两期进行,一期正在按计划实施。二期随推进程度再做调整扩建。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额17416万美元,资金构成为自筹。项目投资市场分析:随着,国家、地方政策的层层落实,钢结构装配式住宅产业在住宅建筑市场的份额将大幅增加。对钢结构装配式住宅集成技术的研究和应用,并使其成为集团产业化住宅产业链的重要组成部分,将会给企业带来可观的市场预期和经济效益。招商引资建设条件:项目拟建于河北文安工业园区内,该项目选址交通方便,基础配套设施健全,场址选择是可行的。投资项目效益分析:可吸纳就业人员500人,预计年销售收入18867万美元,利润2830万美元,税金841万美元。项目招商机构:北京住总钢结构工程有限责任公司是隶属于北京住总集团有限责任公司工程总承包部的国有企业,2014年先后在文安工业园区投资建设了河北九筑源钢结构有限公司和住总(文安)钢结构工程有限责任公司。从事钢结构开发、设计、制作、安装施工等业务。公司为中国钢结构协会会员,具有钢结构工程专业承包壹级资质,在北京钢结构及模板租赁行业有较大的市场份额。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作均可。招商引资联系人:郝秋梦招商引资电话:1863378*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-865*** 招商引资地址:河北文安工业园区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:yqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com


National steel structure assembly industrialization

Wen'an base project

Project contentto cover an area of 400 mu, the new production workshop, science and technology R & D center, office building and dormitory building of 300 thousand square meters. The project is divided into two phases, one phase is the implementation of the plan. The two period with more adjustment to promote the degree of expansion .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is174 million160 thousand US dollars

Market analysiswill be a substantial increase in steel structure prefabricated housing industry share in the residential construction market. The research and application of integrated technology of steel structure housing, and make it become an important part of the industrialization of residential group industry chain, will bring considerable market expectations and economic benefits to the enterprise .Construction conditionsthe project is planned to be built in Wen'an Industrial Park in Hebei. The site is convenient for transportation and the basic facilities are perfect

Analysis of economic benefits500 employees can be employed, the expected annual sales revenue of $188 million 670 thousand, profit of $28 million 300 thousand, $8 million 410 thousand tax

General description of Chinese enterpriseBeijing ZhuZong Steel Structure Engineering Co. Ltd. is a Refco Group Ltd belonging to the Beijing ZhuZong Engineering General Contracting Department of state-owned enterprises, in 2014 in the Wen'an Industrial Park has invested in the construction of the Hebei nine building source Steel Structure Co. and Zhuzong (Wen'an) steel structure engineering limited liability company, engaged in the development, steel structure design, production. The installation and construction business .Mode of cooperationjoint venture, cooperation can be

ContactHao Qiumeng Tel1863378*** Fax0086-316-865*** AddressWen'an Industrial Park Zip code06*** E-mailyqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:建设厂房、综合办公楼、库房等共35000平方米,引进以色列先进生产技术生产微灌管网配套、微灌远程自动控制系统。该产品应用于大型农业种植。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:总投资4000万美元,企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:随着中国农业自动化发展进程的推进,农业合作社、农场、庄园式等农业形势被更多的推广及认可。更多的农业从业者趋向于农业自动化,使更多的劳动力解脱出来,实现利益最大化。招商引资建设条件:土地平整,九通一平,交通方便 投资项目效益分析:产值2000万美元、销售收入450万美元、利税200万美元。项目招商机构:文安经济开发区位于文安县城北侧,东临廊沧高速,20117月份被批准为省级开发区,重点发展装备制造、电子信息、新能源新材料、汽车零配件四大产业。招商引资合作方式:合作、合资、独资均可。招商引资联系人:****招商引资电话:1593065*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-528*** 招商引资地址:河北省文安县丰利路231 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:swd888**[ta]**com


Production project of micro irrigation and control system

Content of the project35000 square meters of construction plant, office building, warehouse and so on, the introduction of advanced production technology of Israel, the production of micro irrigation pipe network, remote control system. The product is used in large agricultural planting .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment is 40 million US dollars .Market analysiswith the development of China's agricultural automation process, agricultural cooperatives, farms, farms and other agricultural situation is more promotion and recognition. More agricultural practitioners tend to agricultural automation, so that more labor freed to maximize the benefits .Construction conditionsland leveling, infrastructure, convenient transportation .Economic benefit analysisoutput value of 20 million U.S. dollars, sales revenue of $4 million 500 thousand, profit and tax of $2 million .General description of Chinese enterpriseWen'an economic development zone is located in the north of Wen'an County, east of Langcang expressway, 2011 July was approved as a provincial Development Zone, focus on the development of equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new materials, new energy automotive parts industry four .Mode of cooperationcooperation, joint venture or sole proprietorship .ContactCui Yingjie Tel1593065*** Fax0086-316-528*** AddressHebei province Wen'an County Feng Li Lu No. 231 zip code06*** E-mailswd888**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:项目占地80亩,建设生产车间、仓库、办公楼等建筑面积2333333平方米,购置设备278台套。项目达产后能达到年产5万套高端特种车座椅的生产能力。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额2728万美元,其均由项目单位自筹。项目投资市场分析:我国与世界经济的相互联系和影响日益加深,国内国际两个市场、两种资源的相互补充,都为我国的发展提供了良好的内外部环境。招商引资建设条件:项目拟选址在文安工业新区园区路北侧 投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,可实现销售收入56695万美元,利税1649万美元。项目招商机构:河北佳强节能科技有限公司 招商机构简介:公司成立于2013年,主要经营新型建筑用环保节能材料,是一家集科研、生产、销售、施工、技术服务于一体的新型建材企业。注册地为文安工业新区,员工110人,总资产389亿元 招商引资合作方式:独资 招商引资联系人:万柏松招商引资电话:1393163*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-539*** 招商引资地址:文安工业新区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:xwnc588**[ta]**com


Annual output of 50 thousand sets of high-end special car seat project

Project contentthe project covers an area of 80 acres, the construction of production workshop, warehouse, office buildings and other construction area of 2333333 square meters, the acquisition of equipment of 278 sets. After the project can reach an annual production capacity of 50 thousand sets of high-end special car seat .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is USD 27 million 280 thousand .Market analysisThe relationship between China and the world economy is deepening, the domestic and international two markets, the complementary of the two resources, both for the development of our country provides a good internal and external environment .Construction conditionsthe project is planned to be located on the north side of Wen'an Industrial Park

Economic benefit analysisafter the project is completed, the sales income will be USD 566 million 950 thousand and the profit and tax will be USD16 million 490 thousand .General description of Chinese enterpriseHebei good energy-saving technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2013, mainly engaged in environmental protection and energy saving materials of new building, new building materials company is a collection of scientific research, production, sales, construction, technical services in one. Registered in Wen'an Industrial Zone,110 employees, total assets of $389 million

Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship

ContactWan Baisong Tel1393163*** Fax0086-316-539*** AddressWen'an Industrial Zone Zip code06*** E-mailxwnc588**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:项目占地60亩,建设生产车间、仓库、办公楼等建筑面积3829595平方米,购置设备181台套。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额4502万美元,其均由项目单位自筹。项目投资市场分析:我国未来的乘用车座椅行业将会出现整车企业培养多个供应商、自主品牌产品供应市场竞争激烈、外资企业降价竞争、本土企业逐步与外资合并等的发展趋势。招商引资建设条件:项目拟选址在文安工业新区园区路北侧,交通便利,土地属于建设用地。投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,可实现销售收入3973万美元,利税360万美元。项目招商机构:廊坊中昊汽车部件制造有限公司是一家专业生产各类汽车座椅及配件的民营企业。拥有员工198人,总资产589亿元,公司主要配套一汽、长安、长城、北汽、沈阳金狮等大型汽车公司,建立了长期的战略合作关系。招商引资合作方式:独资 招商引资联系人:吕永良招商引资电话:1823168*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-539*** 招商引资地址:文安工业新区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:xwnc588**[ta]**com


Annual output of 800 thousand sets of light weight high-end auto seat products

Project contentthe project covers an area of 60 acres, the construction of production workshop, warehouse, office buildings and other construction area of 3829595 square meters, the acquisition of equipment of 181 sets .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is USD 45 million 20 thousand .Market analysisChina's future passenger car seat industry will appear vehicle enterprises to cultivate multiple suppliers, independent brand products supply market competition, price competition, foreign enterprises and local enterprises gradually with the development trend of foreign investment .Construction conditionsthe project is planned to be located on the north side of Wen'an Industrial Park Road, with convenient transportation .Economic benefit analysisafter the project is completed, the sales income will be USD 39 million 730 thousand and the profit and tax will be USD 3 million 600 thousand .The general situation of the Chinese contractorsLangfang Hao Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional production of various types of car seats and accessories of private enterprises. Has a staff of198 people, with a total assets of $589 million, the company mainly supporting FAW, Changan, the Great Wall, Beiqi, Shenyang Golden Lion and other large auto companies, established a long-term strategic partnership .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship

ContactLv Yongliang Tel1823168*** Fax0086-316-539*** AddressWen'an Industrial Zone Zip code06*** E-mailxwnc588**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:项目占地45亩,建设生产车间、仓库、办公楼等建筑面积28500平方米,购置设备309台套。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额4377万美元,其均由项目单位自筹。项目投资市场分析:我国与世界经济的相互联系和影响日益加深,国内国际两个市场、两种资源的相互补充,都为我国的发展提供了良好的内外部环境。招商引资建设条件:项目拟选址在文安工业新区园区路,四至:东至兴园路,南至园区路,西至瑞奥橡塑公司,北至空地。交通便利,土地属于建设用地。投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,可实现销售收入2610万美元,利税433万美元。项目招商机构:文安县德实汽车配件有限公司始建于1994年,是一家生产销售汽车配件的民营企业。注册地为文安工业新区,员工130人,总资产463亿元。招商引资合作方式:独资 招商引资联系人:吕德石招商引资电话:1390115*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-539*** 招商引资地址:文安工业新区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:xwnc588**[ta]**com


With an annual output of1 million Sets of automobile seat rails and regulator of project

Project contentthe project covers an area of 45 acres, the construction of production workshop, warehouse, office buildings and other construction area of 28500 square meters, the acquisition of equipment of 309 sets .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is USD 43 million 770 thousand .Market analysisChina and the world economy and the deepening of the interaction and the impact of the domestic and international markets, the two resources complement each other, both for the development of our country provides a good internal and external environment .Construction conditionsthe project is located in Wen'an New District Industrial Park Road, Hing Road East, fourSouth Park Road, West to the north to open Dario rubber company .Convenient transportation, land belongs to the construction land .Economic benefit analysisafter the project is completed, the sales income will be USD 26 million100 thousand and the profit and tax will be USD 4 million 330 thousand .Overview of the Chinese contractorsWen'an County, Germany real Auto Parts Co., Ltd. was founded in1994, is a production and sales of auto parts of private enterprises. Registered in Wen'an Industrial Zone,招商引资电话:130 employees, total assets of $463 million .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship

ContactLv Deshi Tel1390115*** Fax0086-316-539*** AddressWen'an Industrial Zone Zip code06*** E-mailxwnc588**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:项目占地20亩,建设生产车间、仓库、办公楼等建筑面积10000平方米,购置设备146台套。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额1235万美元,其均由项目单位自筹。项目投资市场分析:它将从根本上改变传统的低压配电与控制系统及其装置,同时给传统低压电器产品注入高新技术,使低压电器产品功能发生质的飞跃。招商引资建设条件:项目拟选址在文安工业新区兴祖线南侧 投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,可实现销售收入2257万美元,利税160万美元。项目招商机构:北整电气科技(廊坊)有限公司始建于2017年,是一家研发制造销售配电箱、配电柜;仓储服务(危险化学品除外);电气设备安装;五金件、电子产品批发零售;钣金加工的民营企业。招商引资合作方式:独资 招商引资联系人:刘小虎招商引资电话:1561362*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-539*** 招商引资地址:文安工业新区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:xwnc588**[ta]**com


An annual output of 1550 sets of electrical cabinet, the supporting parts of the project of the 579400 pieces

Project contentthe project covers an area of 20 acres, the construction of production workshop, warehouse, office buildings and other construction area of10000 square meters, the acquisition of equipment of146 sets .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is USD12 million 350 thousand .Market analysisit will fundamentally change the traditional low-voltage power distribution and control systems and devices, while the traditional low-voltage electrical products into new and high technology, so that the quality of low-voltage electrical products leap .Construction conditionsthe project is to be located on the south side of Wen'an Industrial Zone

Economic benefit analysisafter the project is completed, the sales income will be USD 22 million 570 thousand and the profit and tax will be USD1 million 600 thousand .General description of Chinese enterprisethe entire North Electrical Technology (Langfang) Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017, is a professional R & D and manufacturing sales distribution box, power distribution cabinet; warehousing services (except hazardous chemicals); electrical equipment installation; hardware, electronic products wholesale and retail; sheet metal processing enterprises .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship

ContactLiu Xiaohu Tel1561362*** Fax0086-316-539*** AddressWen'an Industrial Zone Zip code06*** E-mailxwnc588**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:项目占地60亩,总建筑面积29480平方米,主要建设办公楼、生产车间、仓库、生活配套等;购置生产设备43()。主要产品为建筑用硅酮密封胶。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资2452万美元,全部由企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:硅酮密封胶是单组分为主的室温固化型密封胶,具有优异的高低温力学性能和耐老化性能,可有透明和多种色泽,固化快速,使用方便,是世界各国建筑接缝密封材料中的主要品种。招商引资建设条件:项目地理位置优越,交通十分便捷,是建设该项目的理想场所。该区域基础设施完善,配套条件较好,有利于加快项目建设进度,可使项目早日投产、早见效益。投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,形成年产50000吨建筑用硅酮密封胶生产能力;吸纳就业人数110人;年销售收入2612万美元、利润290万美元、税金87万美元。项目招商机构:西子木河北建材科技有限公司,占地30亩,现有员工35人,年销售收入1407万美元、利润217万美元、税金43万美元。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作均可。招商引资联系人:李利军招商引资电话:1507565*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-865*** 招商引资地址:河北省廊坊市文安县新桥经济开发区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:waxqgyq**[ta]**com


An Annual Output of 50,000 Tons of Silicone Sealant for Construction Products

Project ContentProject covers an area of 60 acres, total floor area of 29480 square meters, main office building, workshop, warehouse, such as life support; 43 purchase production equipment (set). Main products are silicone sealant for buildings .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment of the project is169 hundred millions yuan. The company is to self-raise all the funds .Market AnalysisSilicone sealant is a one-component room temperature curing type sealant has excellent mechanical properties and resistance to high and low temperature aging, can have transparency and a variety of color, curing, easy to use, are building joint sealing material in the main varieties in the world .Construction ConditionAs an ideal place to build the project, it has superior geographical position and convenient traffic. Except that, this region has a set of complete infrastructure and better necessary condition. All of these can speed up the construction progress and make the project put into production as soon as possible, so we can see the benefits earlier .Benefit AnalysisThe project reaches the postpartum, silicone sealant for an annual production capacity of 50000 tonnes of building capacity; employment number110, annual sales revenue of 180 million Yuan, 20 million yuan of profits and taxes of 6 million Yuan .General Description of Chinese SponsorWest wood Hebei Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd., covers an area of 30 acres, the existing staff of 35 people, with annual sales revenue of $97 million, profit of 15 million yuan, tax of $3 million .Cooperative FormJoint venture or cooperation ContactPersonLi Lijun Tel0086-1507565*** Fax0086-316-865*** AddressEconomic development zone in langfang city, hebei wenan new bridge Post Code065*** E-mailwaxqgyq**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:项目占地400亩,新建原料处理车间、热磨车间、砂光车间、库房、综合办公楼等总建筑面积217950平方米;新建两条连续平压刨花板生产线,关键设备全部从意大利、德国等地进口,采用智能化无人操作,生产工艺处于世界领先水平;生产过程中采用芯层无醛MDI胶,使板材甲醛释放量完全能达到日本F四星标准、美国CARB P2标准以及国内E0级标准。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资14727万美元,全部由企业自筹。项目投资市场分析:近几年来,中国的刨花板需求量是逐年上升。随着国内外对刨花板的需求量不断增加,和国家出台优惠政策鼓励人造板业发展,为刨花板业的发展创造了极好的条件。招商引资建设条件:项目地理位置优越,交通十分便捷,是建设该项目的理想场所。该区域基础设施完善,配套条件较好,有利于加快项目建设进度,可使项目早日投产、早见效益。投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,形成年产刨花板50万立方米的生产能力,为国内最大的刨花板组合生产线;可吸纳就业人数370人,正常年销售收入18867万美元,利润31亿元,税金4499万美元。项目招商机构:文安县天华密度板有限公司,占地100亩,现有员工100人,正常年销售收入12917万美元,利润2830万美元,税金402万美元。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作均可。招商引资联系人:李利军招商引资电话:1507565*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-865*** 招商引资地址:河北省廊坊市文安县新桥经济开发区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:waxqgyq**[ta]**com


Annual Production Capacity of 500,000 Cubic

Metres of Continuous Press Particleboard Projects

Project ContentProject accounted for to 400 acres, new raw materials processing workshop, and hot mill workshop, and sand light workshop, and warehouse, and integrated Office, total area 217950 square meters; new two article continuous flat pressure Particleboard line, key equipment all from Italy, and German, to imports, used intelligent of no operation, production process in world leading level; production process in the used core layer no aldehyde MDI rubber, makes plate formaldehyde release volume completely can reached Japan f four star standard, and American CARB P2 standard and domestic E0 level standa***

Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment of the project is10147 hundred millions yuan. The company is to self-raise all the funds .Market Analysisin recent years, China of Particleboard demand is yearly rose. With the increasing demand for Particleboard at home and abroad, and the country has issued preferential policies to encourage the development of wood based panel industry, for the particle board industry have created excellent conditions for development .Construction ConditionAs an ideal place to build the project, it has superior geographical position and convenient traffic. Except that, this region has a set of complete infrastructure and better necessary condition. All of these can speed up the construction progress and make the project put into production as soon as possible, so we can see the benefits earlier .Benefit AnalysisThe project reaches the postpartum, an annual production capacity of 500,000 cubic meters of Particleboard production capacity, the largest combination of Particleboard production line; to absorb the employment of 370 people, normal annual sales revenue of 13 billion yuan and a profit of 310 million Yuan, tax is 7775 million Yuan .General Description of Chinese SponsorWen'an Tianhua density board Co. Ltd., covers an area of100 acres, the existing staff of100 people, the annual sales income of 890 million yuan, profit of195 million yuan, 27 million 750 thousand yuan of tax .Cooperative FormJoint venture or cooperation ContactPersonLi Lijun Tel1507565*** Fax0086-316-865*** AddressEconomic development zone in langfang city, hebei wenan new bridge Post Code065*** E-mailwaxqgyq**[ta]**com


年产100万套汽车零部件项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目拟占地667公顷,总建筑面积8万平方米,主要建设厂房、库房、办公楼及其他附属用房,购置主要设备35()。项目投产后,正常年产汽车零部件100万套。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额15亿美元,拟利用外资5000万美元。项目投资市场分析:悬挂臂等汽车重要组成部件,市场需求较大,在近几年中,我国的汽车零部件行业中,受到各种因素的影响,并没有出现较大的变动情况,大量的汽车、农用车的生产制造为本项目的建设提供了良好的市场前景。投资项目效益及市场预测分析:项目建成后,正常年产汽车零部件100万套,销售收入2亿美元,利润总额8000万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县现代制造业工业园,地理位置优越,交通便利,园区已经完成了供水、排水、电力、通信、燃气、热力等综合管网的铺设,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:廊坊轩鹏实业有限公司位于河北省廊坊市大城县现代制造业工业园,拥有最好的产品和专业的销售和技术团队,为客户提供最好的产品、良好的技术支持、健全的售后服务。主要经营加工销售:汽车零部件,农机用具,五金制品。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:邱宝强招商引资电话:1553067*** 招商引资地址:大城县现代制造业工业园 招商引资邮箱:dcxdy**[ta]**com


Annual output of1 million sets of car parts project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 667 hectares, with a total construction area of 80000 square meters, the main construction workshop, warehouse, office building and other accessory occupancy, the purchase of 35 sets of main equipment (sets). After the project put into production, the normal annual capacity of1 million sets of car parts .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $150 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $50 million .Market AnalysisAn important parts such as automobile suspension arm, and the market demand is bigger, in recent years, China's auto parts industry, affected by various factors, and there are no big changes, a lot of cars, agricultural vehicles manufactured for the project construction provides a good market prospect .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, the normal annual capacity of1 million sets of car parts, sales revenue of $200 million, the total profits of $80 million .Benefit AnalysisProject the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, has completed the water supply, drainage, electricity, communications, gas, heat, such as composite pipe laying, is ideal in project construction site .Company profileProject is located in modern manufacturing industry park, the company adhere to the principle of "customer first, honesty first", have a strong technology research and development team and the domestic several big mergers, developed with independent intellectual property rights. Mainly engaged in processing and salesprecision machinery par***

Cooperation modeJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonQiu Baojiang Tel.:1553067***

Postal addressDacheng County modern manufacturing industrial park Post Code06*** E-maildcxdy**[ta]**com


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