企业名称(英文):Guangxi Yizhou Sang Yi source bacillus Co.
地址(英文): Story Development Zone in Guangxi Yizhou horticultural field
展示内容/项目信息:公司现以台湾知名品牌“秀珍菇”主导种植品种,实行周年生产种植。秀珍菇适应广(可周年栽培)、产量高(平均棒单产0.4公斤以上)、易栽培、耐贮运、商品性好,特别是用桑枝栽培的产品,菇形紧密,叶片光亮,口感鲜嫩,很受农户和消费者喜爱,是食用菌的上好佳品。目前该鲜菇已远销广东、香港、北京、上海杭州等省市,产品长期供不应求。发展食用菌投资小,见效快,易种植,农户种植可利用现有田地(或闲置房屋)搭建(或改造)成菇棚,建造小型冷库(主要用于反季节种植温差刺激及鲜菇保鲜),进行顺、反两季生产栽培,实现产品周年上市。 公司按食用菌标准化、规范化的要求,进行工厂化生产种植;采用“企业+基地+农户”商业运作模式,实行产、供、销一体化商业运作。公司保证对参与种植的农户做到全程技术跟踪服务,产品公司全部回收,在确保农户利益的前提下,价格随行就市,积极打造宜州桑杆食用菌品牌。 公司具有良好的管理人才,高效的团队,企业实行董事会、总经理负责制,公司有严格的企业、财务管理制度,具有明确的短、中、长期发展目标:产品由无公害→绿色→有机发展;形成延伸桑蚕产业链的农业循环经济产业。即 桑→蚕(桑叶)→菇(桑杆)→肥料(菌棒残渣)→田(肥料还田);公司已发展成为河池市农业产业化重点龙头企业,为宜州的经济发展做出应有的贡献;公司热忱欢迎各界人士投资合作,共同发展,为桑杆食用菌产业的蓬勃兴起,让我们共同努力!
展示内容/项目信息(英文):Company is now well-known brand in Taiwan, "oyster" dominant plant species, the implementation of annual production of planting. Geesteranus adaptability and high yield, easy cultivation, storage and transportation, good commodity, especially the use of mulberry cultivation products, mushroom-shaped compact leaves bright, fresh taste, very popular with farmers and consumers, is a mushroom Shang Hao share. At present, the mushroom has been sold to Guangdong, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other cities, the product long-term demand. Development of mushroom small investment, quick, easy to grow. Company edible standardized requirements for factory production of planting; using "Enterprise - base - farmers" business model, the implementation of production, supply, marketing integration business operations. Products from organic development of pollution-free → green →; formation of silkworm industry chain extension of agricultural circular economy. Ie → silkworm mulberry (mulberry) → mushrooms (mulberry) → fertilizers (mushroom residue) → Tian (fertilizer to field); welcome to join us for mulberry mushroom industry booming and work together!