来源:网群国际    浏览:


企业名称(英文):Guangxi Jikuan Soloar Energy Equipment Co. Ltd


地址(英文):No.518, 5 floor, No.9 building of China-ASEAN Business Park, Zhongbu Road, High-Tech Zone, Nanning


展示内容/项目信息(英文): The introduction of advanced technology with the patent and technology, integrated the new high temperature vacuum tube, thermal insulation water tank, aluminum alloy frame, automatic water valve technology, development and efficient heat preservation water tank, the key is to solve a series of technical problems brought thick heat preservation, including foam insulation layer optimization technology of high density, high rate of obturator the research on ", vertical foaming" process parameters, operation method, engineering. Machining process, the key parts of the research to solve the thicker insulation requirements of high precision (such as punching verticality, tank the inner and the outer barrel hole distance accuracy of < 1/2000mm) and bring the quality and the processing, installation of ergonomics. The water tank structure of its own patents and advanced technology improvement, improve product price. Optimal stent elevation angle (angle of absorber plate or vacuum tube and the ground) automatic water inlet and outlet valves and material selection of patent technology integration, thermostatic mixing function technology.



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