企业名称(英文):Guangxi University
地址(英文): No.100, Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi
展示内容/项目信息:沼气是一种性能优良的可再生生物质能源。具有原料来源丰富、价廉、燃烧热效率高、绿色、低排放和抗爆性能好的特点。沼气常含55%~70%的CH4、28%~44%的CO2、0.034%约1.8~3g/m³的H2S和少量H2O。分离和净化沼气及其中的CO2,并加以利用,突破传统对沼气直接燃烧的低品位利用和避免其燃烧后的产物CO2和SO2排入大气,危害生态环境和人类健康。 关于沼气的开发利用,本课题组已获得相关项目4项,经费113万,到校可支配项目经费47万,已申请相关专利8项,指导相关方向的硕士毕业生3名,发表论文4篇,在顺利完成广西科技厅科技开发项目“金满园沼气压缩净化技术的应用”的基础上,在2012年6月,与南京绿鼎新能源有限公司合作,顺利完成沼气压缩灌装工艺与设备的安装与试车,达到预期效果。为实现沼气的工业化、产业化、规模化发展、综合利用、提高沼气的附加值、节约利用迈出了坚实的一步!
展示内容/项目信息(英文):Biogas is a kind of high-quality renewable biomass energy. Biogas has some excellent advantages, such as rich raw material sources, low price, combustion, low emissions and high thermal efficiency and green antiknock performance. In general, biogas is consisted of 55% ~ 55% of CH4, 28% ~ 44% CO2, 44% H2S, which is about 1.8 ~ 3 g/m³ with a little H2O. In order to taking advantage of them, separating and cleaning the methane and CO2 in biogas are key issues. This method develops the traditional method for methane combustion of low grade advantage to avoid the combustion product of CO2 and SO2 discharged into the atmosphere, which damage to the ecological environment and human health.