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Auto fasteners,bolt,nut五金紧固件 fasteners,bolt,nut 五金abbas 982133902843 982133937885 abbasfarivar**[ta]**oo.co.uk
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PT. KARYA INTI MEGAH is a national importer, trading and distribution company, dealing especially in Building Material and Industrial.
The company was established in 2004 and becoming a progressively growing company. Presently PT. KAYA INTI MEGAH is eager to develop to support and strengthen its activities in the future.At the moment we are selling and distributing various products from many foreign and domestic principals to our customers. At present, we are acting as the sole agent or distributor as well as stockist from outstanding multinationalcompanies world wide.五金工具工具 工程机械工程机械 建筑及装饰材料建筑及装饰材料一般建材化工建材门窗类 卫浴设备卫浴设备 家居装饰品家居装饰品 铁石制品铁石制品 日用陶瓷日用陶瓷 餐厨用具餐厨用具 五金Lukas Halim 622158357224 62215808683 lukashalim**[ta]**oo.com.sg
We are looking for houseware,we hope you can provide me best prices.五金家居装饰品家居装饰品 家居用品家居用品 五金jumacorp**[ta]**mail.net
Our company is a business HARDWARE categories of products, if appropriate, I ask you please send your company details, product information, the terms and your business .. our earliest look forward to your early reply.五金SAIDI KAMAL denotrac**[ta]**e.fr
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