Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius
办公处:东直门外大街23号东外外交办公楼202, 100600
Chancery:202 Dong Wai Diplomatic Office Buiding,
No. 23, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie, 100600
电话(Tel):65325695 65325698(领事处)
钟律芳 特命全权大使
H.E. Mr. Paul R. Lit Fong Chong Leung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Mrs. Joan Chong Leung
陛宾·罗德西 公使衔参赞
Mr. Bipin K. Rudhee, Minister Counsellor
维姆拉·阿格瓦 二等秘书
Mrs. Vimla D. Huree-Agarwal, Second Secretary
Mr. Ajay Kumar Agarwal
Mr. Ahmedou Mohamed El Mokhtar, First Counsellor
Mrs. Mint Zein Aminetou
莱比·乌尔德·莫克塔尔 二等参赞
Mr. Lehbib Ould Mohamed El, Second Counsellor
阿德先生 二等参赞
Mr. Ahmed Ould El Bou, Second Counsellor