Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho
办 公 处:东直门外外交办公楼302
Chancery:No. 302, Dong Zhi Men Wai Office Building
电话(Tel):65326843 65326844
蒂贝利 特命全权大使
H.E. Mr. Anthony Rachobokoane Thibeli, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Mrs. Mamotena Tokelo Thibeli
莫瑞豪 参赞
Mr. Ephraim Mokulubete Moremoholo, Counsellor
Mrs. Tiisetso Moremoholo
莫莉菲 一等秘书
Mrs. Maphatsoane H. Molefi, First Secretary
莱鸥达 三等秘书
Mrs. Agnes M. Lekaota, Third Secretary
Mr. Mahlomola R. Lekaota